Parc Cybi, Holyhead
What was found?

Iron Age Clay-walled Roundhouses

About 150m north-east of the Middle Iron Age village, and in use at about the same time, were two houses with walls made of clay. Very little of the walls survived but the houses could be identified by the stone-lined drains inside them.

One house had a question-mark shaped drain with a pit at one end, and the other end exiting out of the building. This house had a hearth but relatively few other features.

The other house had a complex of drains, some running into each other, and the main drain had a pit at the end, which had been filled in with stone slabs, some of which had holes in. The drain fill was rich in iron oxide, which may have originated from whatever the drains were used for.

The floor of the house was covered with a layer of charcoal containing charred wheat straw and chaff. This seems to be the result of the roof burning down and collapsing into the house and shows that straw was used to thatch the houses.

The two houses were too close to each other to be used together, so must have been used sequentially, but a sewerage pipe had destroyed any evidence of which was the earliest.